Chris Hutchinson

Chris Hutchinson

Chris Hutchinson, chairman of the tenants’ association at New Spitalfields, has been appointed chairman of the Fresh Produce Consortium’s (FPC) wholesale division, with immediate effect.

Hutchinson will be supported by Richard Thompson of Gilbert Thompson Ltd, Yorkshire Produce Centre, who has been elected vice-chairman.

“The FPC looks forward to working with Chris and Richard, and to their active involvement in developing the role of the FPC within the industry, and in particular the wholesale sector,” said the FPC.

Hutchinson replaces Brian Daykin, who recently retired. “The FPC wishes to thank Brian for his many years of commitment to the industry, and in particular his leadership of the wholesaler division through a significant period of change for this sector,” said the FPC. “His wealth of experience and knowledge has proved invaluable, and we wish him well in his retirement.”

Thompson replaces George Bray, who has relinquished his role as vice-chairman. “The FPC wishes to thank George for his contribution to the division, offers every best wish for the future and looks forward to his continued support as a valued member of the FPC,” said the organisation.
