Chris Hutchinson

Chris Hutchinson

At the agm of the Spitalfields Market Tenants Association, Chris Hutchinson was unanimously elected as chairman for the year 2004/2005.

Hutchinson, who runs the family business of Arthur Hutchinson Ltd, creates history as he and his father Arthur become the first father and son to hold office as chairman.

He paid tribute to John Olney the retiring chairman who held office for six years. “John will be a hard act to follow,” said Hutchinson. “Over the past six years he has stamped his personality in representing and promoting the market”.

Hutchinson Sr held office for 13 years (1985-1994) and was awarded the MBE for his dedicated service on behalf of the market tenants and his efforst to lead them in the successful relocation of the market in 1991.

Olney was unanimously elected to the associations’ council of management, together with Peter Thomas of Prescott Thomas Ltd, a new appointee. Steve Loveman of Temple Veg (Sales) was re-elected as honorary treasurer and continues as an officer of the association. Laurence Eldred of Booker Hart Ltd was re-elected as honorary president of the association.

The associations’ council of management for the year 2004/2005 is:

Chris Hutchinson - chairman

Steve Loveman - hon. treasurer

Laurence Eldred - hon. president

David Catt - David Catt (Spitalfields) Ltd

Alan Cavanagh - AW Cavanagh (Spitalfields) Ltd

Kenny Dinmore - J&H Dinmore Ltd

Johnny Johnson - Walter Braund (Spitalfields) Ltd

Ali Matuer - Special Fruits

John Olney - Donovan Bros Ltd

Peter Thomas - Prescott Thomas Ltd

David Reynolds - Reynolds Catering Supplies Ltd

Adam Toor - Fruit International Ltd
