Huntapac launched its new Roots brand last year

Huntapac launched its new Roots brand last year

Root-crop specialist Huntapac Produce has recorded a slight fall in turnover and pre-tax profits for the year to 30 June 2010, figures from Companies House show.

Selling prices for the Lancashire firm’s products came under increased pressure due to “deflation across all vegetables and the retailers wanting to remain competitive,” Huntapac operations director Steven Kay told freshinfo.

Turnover fell from £34.7 million in 2009 to £33.3m in 2010. Pre-tax profits were down from £984,222 to £168,426. Kay explained that this was due to the decrease in turnover and an increase in volume leading to increased distribution costs.

However, Huntapac has also reinvested in its business in camera grading and automated parsnip trimming equipment which are bringing down labour costs and further benefit from these investments will be derived in current and subsequent financial years.