Protracted discussions have taken place between the two companies to share an 'innovative marketing platform'. The new marketing structure links production in the UK to global supply and marketing solutions, said a statement.

'A trading relationship has existed between both businesses, developed over many years through which HumberVHB has augmented its UK production to meet the needs of a broad customer base. The new platform will greatly enhance the offer to the retailer and create opportunities to introduce efficiencies in marketing and production,' the statement added.

The Greenery has also been busy on the continent, tying up with Fruitmasters to combine fruit ranges, subject to approval by the relevant internal and external authorities, in a project provisionally called Fruit-NL.

Both Dutch companies believe that pooling their fruit supply will improve the market position of growers in the Netherlands. They will each have a 50 per cent share of the partnership.

Additionally, the Greenery and Naturelle, a subsidiary of Jansen-Dongen potato retailers, have also announced plans to combine their organic interests.