Representatives from Hull Market were due at a committee hearing on Wednesday surrounding the move of their market from its historic city-centre location.

Residents of Summersgrove Way, Hull have been petitioning councillors to block the move of the market to a planned purpose-built 11-unit site nearby.

The planning committee was due to meet on Wednesday to approve new developers’ plans to take into account residents’ concerns.

But the Summersgrove Way campaigners believe the market would cause noise disturbance and light pollution at unsociable hours.

The area around Humber Street and the site occupied by the market for the past 200 years is on prime land near the city’s waterfront that has been ear-marked for impressive, upmarket development plans to create the Canary Wharf of east Yorkshire. Barrows and forklifts are set to be replaced by café bars, boutiques and a four-star hotel as well as an extension to the city’s flood defences.
