Following a successful programme last year, the HTA has secured funding from Defra for another eight HTA members to implement Environmental Management Systems (EMS) within their business.
EMS funding is available for both retailers and growers to complete the programme of five workshops, between April 2007 and March 2008, which works towards BS8555. The project is funded by Defra through BREW, using money generated by the Landfill Tax.
The EMS programme is based around a flexible package of sector-specific training, to help horticultural companies to manage and reduce their key environmental impacts.
The project is managed by White Young Green Environmental, whose consultants have been working with the HTA.
“The programme has given us a good insight into the typical environmental issues affecting horticultural businesses,” noted Paul Burr of WYGE. “Which has in turn enabled us to develop a support package that should help nurseries to control pollution, stay on the right side of the law and make cost savings in the process.”
Charles Carr, environmental manager at Hampshire’s Lowaters Nurseries, pointed out that the scheme had strengthened their customer relations. He said: “One of our major customers has had the environment on their agenda for a number of years. They loved the fact that we have achieved this BS8555 certification as it provides them with a bit more peace of mind from the supply chain perspective”