HTA has sent out its 2007 salary survey to all grower and retail members and is keen to see a good response rate to be able to get a clear picture of salaries across industry sectors. To encourage members to complete and return the questionnaires HTA is offering a bottle of Champagne to two respondents drawn from the completed survey returns.
The HTA Survey of Wages in the garden industry is now in its 12th year and has attracted consistently more respondents each year. A significant change in 2006 meant that HTA will produce data for garden centres and retail nurseries, and growers. A good level of response will enable the HTA to produce data on a regional basis and by size of business.
Penny Worner, Personnel and Training Consultant for the HTA, said: “We were pleased to receive well over 350 member company responses last year and certainly those who returned the forms said that the full survey findings were a very useful tool when recruiting, especially as many are struggling to attract and retain valuable staff.”