Horticulture Research International (HRI) Wellesbourne will be holding an open day for primary schools in the Leamington, Warwick and Stratford areas on March 14.
Philip Bushill-Matthews, MEP for the West Midlands region, will be joining school children to see the work of HRI's world-class scientists.
Bushill-Matthews said he was a great admirer of the work of HRI and was delighted to attend a day that allows children to find out so much for themselves through their own experiments.
He said: 'The Midlands has a growing reputation for nurturing high-tech businesses. These lucky youngsters will see at first hand the research and development advances that organisations like HRI bring to horticultural businesses and wider UK industry. This open day may well inspire a budding entrepreneur or scientist of the future.' More than 400 children will take part in Hands on Plants at HRI as part of National Science Week, thanks to support from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).