A recent survey by UKTV indicates that plant choice can be crucial for homeowners, with the most unpopular varieties potentially knocking thousands off house prices. The main offenders listed by the public were:
•Leylandii (71 percent)
•Ivy (67 percent)
•Pampas Grass (55 percent)
•Conifer Trees (50 percent)
•Wisteria (49 percent)
•Magnolias (47 percent)
•Privet (36 percent)
•Geraniums (31 percent)
•Bamboo (29 percent)
•Carnations (18 percent)
Leylandii topped the poll with seven out of 10 respondents concerned about the speed at which the plant grows and potential complaints from neighbours. Another old favourite, ivy came second on the list, with 67 percent revealing that concern about the potential damage the plants could cause to masonry would put them off a property covered in the trademark dark green leaves. Pampas grass completed the top three with half of those surveyed revealing that the plants’ dated 70s look and shooting stems would put them off buying a house.
Britons seems to prefer attractive flowers to hardy perennials like the traditional magnolia and geranium, which also appear in the top ten. Many respondents revealed that they thought these flowers are old-fashioned, preferring instead more modern and exotic plants. Other plants to be named and shamed included carnations, wisteria and conifer trees.