If we are to believe the latest research, we should be airfreighting in more of our produce to save the environment. At the same time, by buying local produce you can save £4bn and reduce pollution. Buy from anywhere outside your county boundaries and you have set out on the path to world destruction.
What are consumers going to make of that then? Well, if you believe Debra McCrea - page 6 - they couldn’t care less any more. The industry is confused, so there surely isn’t much chance that the consumer will make head or tail of the information put before them by a press with a loaded agenda.
However, easier though it would be to ignore all this hot air, most of it has at least some substance. Dicky Evans, at Homegrown in Kenya, will tell you he’s been trotting out the same food miles argument for years. At last he’s found some support - I think.
• There are less than two months to go until this year’s Re:fresh Conference and Awards. On today’s centre pages you will find a fascinating speaker programme for our May 5 event, designed to provide interest to every sector of the fresh produce industry. Register early to avoid disappointment as places will be allocated on a first come-first served basis.
We have also extended the deadline for awards entries by popular demand - to March 24. This is your chance for industry-wide recognition of your company’s achievements. Go to www.refreshawards.co.uk to download the relevant criteria.