Maria José Pardo Losilla of Hortyfruta

Maria José Pardo Losilla of Hortyfruta

Hortyfruta, which recently launched the Lola logo as a quality assurance mark for Andalusian fresh produce, has revealed that it is sponsoring the Fresh Produce Retailer of the Year category at the prestigious Retail Industry Awards.

The ceremony, now in its 14th year, attracts many of the biggest names in the food and drink industry. The Fresh Produce Retailer of the Year award celebrates excellence in fresh-produce retailing, right from sourcing the produce to selling it.

Hortyfruta will be taking part in the judging of the category and presenting the award at the ceremony on October 1.

Managing director of Hortyfruta, María José Pardo Losilla, said: “With Andalusian fresh produce leading the way in terms of quality, innovation and sustainability in the fresh produce sector, it is fitting that we are able to recognise and reward retailers who clearly understand the importance of a high-quality fresh produce offering to their business.”

The award is open to retailers in which fresh produce accounts for at least 50 per cent of sales.

Hortyfruta represents the traders of 18,000 fruit and vegetable growers in the Andalusia region of southern Spain.

The closing date for retailers to submit entries for the awards is June 19.
