The HorTIPS project website is set to go live with technical reports selected for all sectors of the UK horticulture industry on November 15.
The reports include access to grower-funded and government-funded research, summaries of recent publications from the trade press and scientific journals, as well as hypertext links to relevant national and international websites.
Dubbed 'a goldmine of information', the site is said to lead visitors straight to the data they require.
Commenting on the launch, HorTIPS project leader Chris Payne said: 'Through the HorTIPS website, growers and consultants will be able to dip into a vast reservoir of technical information. What we have tried to deliver through these web-based technical reports are a series of 'Virtual National Specialists' for the horticulture industry in England and Wales.' The website information service is one of over 40 initiatives planned by the HorTIPS team to address some of the key technical problems facing the horticulture industry.
The HorTIPS project was set up at the end of last year with funding from Defra.