High hopes for Spanish grape season

Prospects for the Spanish grape season this year are shaping up well.

Rupert Maude, from Murcia-based supplier El Ciruelo, told FPJ that the vines have had a chance to recover from a tough season last year, and that the next season, starting in mid-June, looks promising.

He said: “We have got great hope for our Mystery, Prime, Sugraone and Spring Blush.

“It was a great season for Crimson in particular last year and we want to build on this, and increase our production area for black grapes.

“This season, I would expect to have high quality all the way through.”

El Ciruelo has invested €20 million over five years into its newest production area in Lieza, starting in April 2004.

“We want to differentiate ourselves from other suppliers and we are looking to reduce pesticide residues to zero,” Maude said. “We do not treat the vines 60 days before harvest.”