Higgins customers can order from a selection of 12 seed varieties from stocks held by Higgins-Gi in Scotland. The list features Maris Piper, Kind Edward, Desiree, Nicola, Charlotte, Pentland Squire, Estima, Marfona, Sante, Permier, Saxon and Nadine. And the offer applies to confirmed orders of seed received before the close of business on February 28.
The company is offering six months credit from the date of delivery of single variety loads of one drop in multiples of 28.6tonnes. Under the terms, payment in full for an order confirmed by the end of the month therefore will not be due until October.
'I hope that our extended credit offer will ease the burden of our many growers who are feeling the chill of a depressed market,' said David Higgins, group managing director. 'Many have already felt the benefit and I am confident that many more will take us up on it.' Further details are available from potatoes@higgins.co.uk