HDC to link up with EiC

The Horticultural Development Council (HDC) is working with the industry’s Eat in Colour (EiC) campaign and will lobby government to improve fruit and vegetable consumption in schools.

The council has been running its own Eat with the Seasons promotion this year, led by a recipe calendar distributed to journalists and food writers and backed by three celebrity chefs. Now it is working as a link between EiC and growers’ associations to promote their produce and individual crops.

Recipes and coverage have so far appeared in four regional newspapers and one rural lifestyle magazine. The HDC is working with chef and restaurateur Brian Turner, children’s food writer Amanda Grant and Kiwi TV chef Ross Burden. Between them, they have developed 12 recipes that feature on the calendar using seasonal fruits and vegetables, each containing up to seven different lines to maximise health benefits.

“Feedback from our autumn media days last year showed that even food journalists can be confused about seasonal produce,” said Justin Clark of CCD Healthcare PR, which is running the campaign for HDC. “We wanted to address this with a definitive guide to what is in season each month and recipes to show how the produce can be combined to improve nutrition and health.”

Come to next week's Re:fresh Conference for breaking news on Eat in Colour - www.refresh.eu