The HDC has revealed the results of its summer fruit raspberry variety trial.
Malling Juno, Glen Fyne (9062E-1), Cowichan and Glen Doll came through as particularly promising in the trial, with all four being described as having the potential to either complement or replace existing summer fruiting raspberry varieties.
Of these varieties Malling Juno is currently available for planting in commercial quantities, Cowichan is available for planting on a trial basis through Meiosis, Glen Doll will be available in small quantities from 2008 onwards, and the provisionally-named Glen Fyne will be available in trial quantities from next year onwards.
HDC established the trial as a means of assessing the performance of new summer fruiting raspberries in a commercial setting. Some of them had already been assessed by the Scottish and East Malling Raspberry Breeding Consortia.
The trial hoped to identify varieties which have the potential to complement existing commercial varieties. It was laid out in 2002, with some selections propagated using root cuttings and others micro-propagated.
The full results are laid out in an HDC factsheet under project SF 41b.