The Horticultural Development Company (HDC) has published and distributed the 2011 edition of its HDC Field Vegetables Review magazine to all vegetables growers to give them an overview of the research HDC is funding.

The review features brief articles on a wide range of recently completed and ongoing research projects on pest and disease, weeds, breeding and crop production for field vegetable crops.

It also provides an overview of all the new projects that have been commissioned to start in 2011 along with details on the way HDC operates for growers to secure new crop protection approvals.

Grower and field vegetable panel chairman John Sedgwick of Stewarts of Tayside said: “The field vegetable crop group includes many crops and the HDC manages the growers levy to meet the needs of as many growers as possible. Equally as important is keeping levy payers informed of what work has been done or is underway. This magazine collates all this work to keep growers up to date.”