Road Freight speed shot

Fresh produce haulage firm Turners (Soham) has blamed a tough economic climate after suffering a loss in pre-tax profits.

For the 52-week period ending 28 December 2013, the firm -which delivers fruit and vegetables to wholesale and retail and has a specialist fruit-packing operation - recorded a turnover of £242 million, up £6m on the same period of time ending 30 December 2012.

But pre-tax profits at the Newmarket-based firm fell - year-on-year - to £22.8 million from £23.5m.

Paul Day, a director at Turners (Soham), said: 'The haulage industry has become even more competitive during the last year, and the general economic climate offers little opportunity for organic growth.

'The ongoing need to control costs and increase efficiency continues. [But] despite the harsh economic climate, we believe the group is well placed to meet its challenges and to continue its successful development into the future.'

The firm employs around 2,400 people, and operates nearly 1,150 trucks.