Chris Hartfield web

Chris Hartfield

Chris Hartfield will be stepping into the role of chief horticultural adviser during Hayley Campbell-Gibbons' upcoming maternity leave.

Hartfield, currently a horticulture and potatoes adviser at the farmers' and growers' union, will cover Campbell-Gibbons' position when her maternity leave begins in the autumn. It is understood that no decision has yet been taken on who will cover Hartfield's present role.

Hartfield has been at the NFU for nearly 10 years, and is best known for his work on pollinators and bee health. He has also worked on a number of cross-sector policy issues including growing media, plant health and climate change, and is a specialist in ornamentals.

He started his horticultural career as a research entomologist at what is now known as Warwick HRI, before spending four years as an agri-environment scheme adviser.

This week's news comes at a time of change at the NFU, with Guy Poskitt replacing Sarah Dawson as horticulture board chair, and three new figures led by Meurig Raymond taking the top three jobs at the union.