Hargreaves Plants has secured an exclusive position with the Soft Fruit Technology Group (SFTG), based at Reading University, as the sole plant propagator providing corporate funding for invaluable work at the unit. The co-funding sponsors are AMS and FAST.
Rupert Hargreaves, director of Hargreaves Plants said: 'We are determined to be at the forefront of technical development in soft fruit plants. Hargreaves has made a significant investment in a comprehensive testing and evaluating programme. However, there is much to learn about strawberry plants, their needs and responses to inputs. This new venture will enable us to investigate this area.' 'The core funders of the research programme are delighted to have Hargreaves Plants on board',' said Dr James Carew, research fellow of the SSFTG. 'Hargreaves clearly put huge efforts into R&D already in order to keep their SupaViga brand at the forefront of the industry and they were readily persuaded to take this exclusive position'.