Global fresh produce search engine is allowing free searches of its database.
Companies that register as a "searcher" can immediately find contact details of more than 3,600 companies from more than 130 countries. The database is currently increasing at around 100 a month.
There are also some additional alterations to the site. These include a sponsors link, which allows companies to give a short description of themselves while linking to their website. Also, the offers board has an increased profile on the homepage allowing companies to promote or request products or services within the industry. Parts of the hairyape site are available for sponsorship, while advertising banners appear on the offers board and search results pages, as well as the homepage.
In the first 24 hours since the site was made free, Hairyape has reported more than 400 visitors, 500 searches and more than 100 searcher registrations, whereas prior to the free access the site received around 100 visitors a day.