Guernsey retains revenue stream

It is expected that the value of Guernsey’s horticultural exports for 2007 will total £48.8 million when all census details are finally received.

This estimated figure is given in a statistical report from the Guernsey States commerce and employment department.

It compares with £46.91m last year, and is similar to the 2005 figure of £48.88m.

Rising costs and additional competition are features of the market, but exports are expected to show an increase to some 480,000 boxes for the year when all details become available.

The edible sector has now settled down to a small number of specialist growers providing niche crops to multiple outlets, and the report notes that the industry is achieving higher value exports on a steadily reducing labour force. “In an economy with near to full employment this is a favourable trend, which is helping to contain costs in an increasingly competitive market,” the report says.

The number of horticultural businesses had reduced to 103 in 2006. “Whilst there is an increasingly challenging competitive environment for horticulture, it is encouraging that more than 50 per cent of businesses forecast an increase or no change in their business turnover, 30 per cent did not respond and 20 per cent forecast a decrease.

“Taking the business forecast along with the anticipated decline in crop production, a clear picture emerges for the immediate future of the industry. This is for increasing sales and value for the top few (10 per cent) businesses currently trading, just less than 50 per cent of the industry remaining, but with little growth forecast, and over a third declining or ceasing trading,” concludes the report.