Bill Robilliard has been elected by Guernsey's parliament as president of the horticulture committee. Robilliard, former vice-president, replaces the late Peter Falla, who died earlier this year.
It fell to the new president to present to the house delayed proposals aimed at supporting the very-changed horticultural industry for a further five years. Robilliard told the house: "The island has a valuable horticultural sector, which shows every sign that it will be continuing to make a useful contribution to Guernsey's economy for the foreseeable future."
Progressive businesses are now operating in a sector that has seen many changes, he explained. A wide range of crops is still being grown successfully, especially by smaller businesses that have sought out niche markets. Rising stars are plug and young plant production.
The package of measures proposed in the review for direct help to growers is largely unchanged from those approved by the island parliament in 1999. Robilliard's presentation revealed that the industry had seen steady growth in real terms since 2000 with a £47m turnover last year - up 8.5 per cent on 2001.
The house agreed to accept the proposals and now the island's horticulture and development committees will work jointly to identify Guernsey's strategically important horticultural areas and consider how best to safeguard them. The committees will report back to the house by February 2004.