The National Farmers' Union is calling on growers to consider supplying the nation-wide programme which provides fruit to four-to-six year olds as another potential market for their produce.

The National School Fruit Scheme is calling for expressions of interest to supply about 1million pieces of fruit and/or vegetables a week to schools in the east and West Midlands from April next year.

The programme supplies children in the infant school age range with one whole piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. The categories of fruit supplied under the School Fruit Scheme include apples and pears.

NFU horticulture chairman Michael Holmes said: 'The scheme can provide an important market for growers, supplementing the more traditional methods of selling produce.

'The contract to supply the Midlands' 1,600 schools runs for 12 months, providing a steady market for a significant amount of produce and a guaranteed and predictable income.

'I would encourage growers to consider if the Fruit for Schools programme offers a useful market for their produce.' All expressions of interest must be registered by January 29.

Further details on National School Fruit Scheme tender can be obtained by visiting: