Potato growers must get sprouting control programmes underway as soon as possible, the British Potato Council (BPC) has advised.

Adrian Briddon, from BPC’s Sutton Bridge Experimental Unit, warned that crops going into store will be at risk of sprouting, and that growers should check crop condition carefully.

He said: “If you are going to use chlorpropham (CIPC) you must get it on before you see any active sprout growth, and applications to sprouted tubers need to be at a higher approved rate. While more expensive, this cuts down the urgency for repeat applications and helps prevent later problems with residues.”

CIPC is now subject to a maximum residue limit (MRL) of ten parts per million, and samples are tested as part of residue analysis undertaken on behalf of the Pesticides Safety Directorate.

Briddon warned that growers should be careful not to exceed the MRL. “That makes it more important than ever to anticipate any problems,” he added.

The BPC’s monthly storage bulletin provides more guidance to help growers through the difficult seaso.

For more information visit www.potato.org.uk/sbeu
