Intelligent Pest Management solutions provider Exosect believes the agreement by the European Parliament to adopt more stringent legislation on plant protection products will encourage growers to source alternative pest management solutions.
Exosect claim their Entostat powder, made from renewable resources, is formulated to carry species specific pheromones to target pest populations across a variety of horticultural pests.
Growers can be comforted by the knowledge that Exosect’s unique technology, used in an integrated pest management system has matched the efficacy of traditional insecticide programmes, whilst allowing the grower to reduce the number of sprays. Global chemical companies are already working alongside Exosect to bring solutions to growers.
Alison Tod, Orchard and Vine product manager at Exosect, said” “The industry has known that changes were expected and now that the EU Parliament has voted in favour of this, the nervousness of what lies ahead is completely understandable. The enormity of this decision will affect global food supply.
“We are just pleased that our technology will go some way to help grower with an effective alternative.”
To date, Exosect’s pest management solutions have been registered and launched in a number of international territories including the UK, US, Italy, Greece, Belgium, South Africa, and New Zealand, with further approvals expected in the near future.