Greengrocers' Campaigner expansion

The putative independent retail body Greengrocers’ Campaigner launched three months ago has enjoyed early success in England sufficient to warrant extending its activity.

"The response has been good enough for us to feel firmly established in England and we want to cover Wales and Scotland now so that everyone is on the same level," said founder Christine Fisher.

All greengrocers in England listed in Yellow Pages have been sent at least one of the first three issues of the newsletter Greengrocers’ Campaigner.

"The first issue was purely introductory," said Fisher. "The second started to deal with the problem of waste - finding out which product categories are causing most loss and wastage. And issue three made sure that greengrocers know how to get free 5-a-day materials from the department of health."

The third issue also laid the groundwork for press releases. These have since been sent out to participating greengrocers’ local papers. And the results have been very encouraging with press coverage for the retailers in Blackpool, elsewhere in Lancashire, and in Cornwall already.

"With issue four we have several themes running, which is why we need to extend to Wales and Scotland so quickly," said Fisher.

Her organisation has contacted some 2,200 independent retailers in England. Now a further 500 in Wales and Scotland are due to be contacted.

The response so far has come from a wide spectrum of greengrocers including experienced successful retailers keen to pass on their knowledge to a new generation as well as recent business startups by young entrepreneurs.
