Allerdale Borough Council in Cumbria has spoken out against a greengrocer who said he was fined for composting and recycling.

Workington greengrocer Colin Glaister was fined for not having a waste transfer notice, the council said, and not for recycling. “Mr Glaister was fined for breaking the law by failing to produce a waste transfer notice when he was asked to do so by an officer enforcing environmental legislation under section 45 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,” the council’s spokeswoman Helen Murphy told FPJ. “News headlines on this matter have been misleading and inaccurate.”

Glaister hit the headlines when he was fined £300 by his borough council, when on two occasions in April he failed to produce the necessary documentation when required by council officials. Glaister had said he was recycling his waste produce on his own compost heap, and by feeding to his uncle’s poultry. l
