Greenery reveals EU benefits for Dutch trade

The Netherlands has become the world’s largest vegetable exporting country thanks to the European internal market, the euro and the safety and stability of the EU, a report by The Greenery has found.

The Dutch company commissioned the study to assess the importance of the European Union and the euro for the country’s economy and, in particular, its fruit and vegetable sector.

The fruit and vegetable industry has enjoyed a growth in trade that has seen fruit exports double in the past 10 years and create a large number of jobs for the nation.

The report by the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingandael’ also says European regulations on food safety, the environment and working conditions ensure fair competition.

It says the Netherlands “clearly has a great interest” in making sure Europe continues to achieve.

The first copy of the report has been presented to chairman of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers Bernard Wientjes, who said he was pleased The Greenery was making its voice heard.

He said: “Europe's future is currently the focus of political debate. Trade and industry should continue to voice their opinion because precisely Europe and the Euro are key for trade and industry.

“I therefore welcome The Greenery’s efforts in making its voice heard and in providing its members with objective information on the importance of Europe and the euro to ensure the integrity of opinion forming,”