The Greenery’s Members Council has approved the organisation’s new co-operation model between grower, co-operative and growers, which will give growers a choice in how their products are marketed.

The co-operative is being positioned as a separate entity to The Greenery company, with its aim targeted at adding value to individual member dealers and to enable combined supply, while The Greenery will fully continue its existing business strategy.

The new co-operation model is a response to market changes for both growers and customers. This co-operative offers growers clear choices in the way in which their products are marketed.

Under the new model, this can be done either through a transaction or preferred supplier relationship.

The preferred supplier relationship intensifies the relationship with The Greenery as a company, and its aim is to provide retailers with sustainable value growth and close co-operation in the supply chain. Growers will work with the business on a market-oriented product sales strategy.

The transaction relationship is based on growers selling their products to The Greenery and/or the Dutch wholesale market. These sales are carried out through the co-operative’s sales department. As part of the transaction relationship, growers can buy services such as internal logistics, external transportation or packaging from the company, or elsewhere.

The co-operative retains ownership of The Greenery but will be positioned separately under the new model. It will operate under the slogan “joint power through individual strengths” and its stated aim is to give growers and growers' organisations access to the market through high-quality combined supply, allowing space for individual entrepreneurialism.

The meeting of the Members Council voiced confidence in The Greenery’s existing company strategy, and it will fully continue its strategy of adding value. This is based on delivering added value to customers, while also controlling costs. The implementation of the new co-operative model will have no bearing on The Greenery’s services.

The approval of the new co-operative model gives a green light to its implementation. Over the past few weeks, The Greenery’s growers/members have been fully briefed on the details and implications of this move. A first phase will see producers/members being asked which form of co-operation they would like to participate in. Growers of vegetable fruits (including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers), mushrooms, radishes and asparagus will have until January 15 to make their final choice. Growers of all other products need to make a provisional choice by this date, and a final choice by one month before the start of the season. Additionally, the board of the co-operative will establish a project group that will assist with the implementation of the governance structure.