The Greenery today launches its UK Salad Market Report 2003 in the Journal this week.

In his first trade media interview since joining the company from Safeway last year, The Greenery UK's managing director Nick Scrase said: 'An enormous amount of work has gone into this report, much of which was underway before I joined The Greenery. The motivation behind it is that it is undoubtedly the right thing to do. There has been a reluctance within the industry to work together on projects such as this one. Rather than trying to beat up our competitors, we have recognised that as a leading supplier to the UK market, it is our responsibility to grow the salad category.' 'We have been speaking to our major customers about the report and, while some of them might have this type of information available to them, none will have it all in one place. We are establishing our credentials, marketing our experience and position as one of the leading suppliers of salads to the UK market.' 'It is obvious that fresh produce consumption levels in the UK are not as high as in the Mediterranean countries, France, Holland or Germany. We see this report as the start of a drive to bring the UK up to the same level. It has multiple uses; the information will be helpful for government, retailers, the wider food industry and media and eventually to the consumer as each other sector filters the information directly into the marketplace.' The report is extremely timely, he added. 'There has been talk at government level of putting extra taxes on fatty foods and I think this will remain a high item on the agenda for the next five to 10 years at least. What better way to help the economy than encouraging people to eat a salad a day? It is good for our business and for the whole salad market. It may sound altruistic, but it is also a fantastic proposition for the health of the population of the UK.' During his seven years in produce, Scrase admits to having been frustrated at times by a general insularity and lack of vision. 'I do think that many people have failed to see the bigger picture,' he said. 'We know that our competitors will use this report, for instance, but that is not a deterrent; the aim is to create a vibrant salad market that benefits everybody, from the grower to the end consumer.' It has also been an excellent education for The Greenery internally. 'Compiling the report has taught people within The Greenery a lot more about the market they are working in – it has also increased their recognition of what type of business we are and how we fit into that market.'
