Grapefruit sizes out of South Africa are likely to be on the small side this year due to near drought conditions in key growing areas. However, sugar levels are reported to be 'excellent' and eating quality is forecast to be better than last season.

The size profile will suit the UK market which takes fruit in 40-45 counts. Roy Fine of Sunpride which works with Poupart in the UK and supplies fruit into Sainsbury's and Waitrose reports growing demand for its pink fruit.

'What is interesting about the UK is that there is growing demand for pink varieties,' said Fine. 'Whereas elsewhere in the world, demand is moving over to reds such as Star Ruby UK consumption is going back to pinks such as Ruby Red.' While fruit quality looks excellent, the only cloud on the horizon for senders to the UK is the strength of the rand. 'It is 35 per cent stronger this year which puts pressure on the South African producers,' said Fine. 'It will mean a lot lower returns for them, but overall the market conditions look favourable for us with Florida finishing off earlier than usual and leaving a relatively open market.' Sunpride's first fruit will be docking in the UK this week with both Marsh White Seedless and Star Ruby on the first vessel. 'We expect to start packing Pinks a week later,' explained Fine. Sunpride sources early fruit from northern and eastern growing areas and works with 20 growers who all pack their own fruit in their own packhouses. 'They all either already have Eurep-Gap certification or are in the process of obtaining it,' said Fine.
