4.5kg of white fruit fetched 900-1200p on Manchester wholesale market this week

4.5kg of white fruit fetched 900-1200p on Manchester wholesale market this week

Wholesalers this week reported that their supplies of Chilean grapes were running short, but importers have been quick to reassure the marketplace.

Prices hit 900-1200p on Manchester wholesale market this week for 4.5kg of white fruit, depending on size and quality. Flame Seedless made 850-950p for the same weight.

But one importer told freshinfo: “Prices should not really be going high yet. There is no shortage of Chilean grapes despite the earthquakes. There might be a shortage looming in a few weeks’ time, but anything can happen between now and then.

"I think people are just panicking because they think supplies are going to run tight, but they certainly haven’t so far.”