The news that doctors have united to combat obesity took me a little by surprise this weekend, but nevertheless it’s a welcome development that should provide a boost to the fresh produce industry.

We don’t yet know exactly what a new campaign will involve, but healthy eating - and by extension greater fruit and vegetable consumption - is sure to be at the heart of it.

The 5 A DAY message is known and understood by almost everyone, but despite that, overall produce consumption is static or in decline. It needs another co-ordinated push, with doctors, the government and industry involved, to have another go at getting people eating better and exercising more.

The subject of how this is advertised and the 5 A DAY message revamped is one we will be focusing on in our upcoming marketing supplement in a few weeks.

On another note, I’d like to congratulate all the finalists who will compete for the Re:fresh Awards on May 17. Competition, as ever, was fierce, and it’ll be a wonderful evening celebrating the achievements of the industry. I’m looking forward to it already, and I’d urge you to sign up for your place. More information and tickets are available online at