The governemnt has launched a consulation to help define its future trade tariff regime.
In a move that could have significant ramifications for the fresh produce industry, the UK will be free to set its own tariff rates on imported goods for the first time in almost 50 years after the country left the European Union.
To inform the development of a new UK Global Tariff, the Department for Internationl Trade is seeking views via a public consultation that began on 6 February and closes on 5 March.
The consultation is particularly looking for:
- views on a potential series of amendments to the EU’s Common External Tariff to create a bespoke UK tariff regime;
- specific feedback on individual products or commodity codes of importance to individuals (including the corresponding tariff rate);
- information on individuals' interactions with Most Favoured Nation tariffs and the importance of tariffs to sectors that are relevant to them.
The bespoke UK tariff regime will enter into force on 1 January 2021 and replace the EU’s Common External Tariff.
Interersted parties can submit their views online here.