Public health minister Caroline Flint has launched a new scheme aimed at helping families to lead more active lives and tackle obsesity.

The Healthy Living Initiative is set to battle against a number of barriers identified by the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research Centre and the Department of Health as hampering families with children under the age of 11 from leading active and healthy lives.

Obstacles include limited parental awareness of weight gain, beliefs that following a healthy lifestyle is too challenging and pressures that undermine healthy food options.

Part of the scheme includes a new 5 A DAY campaign called Top Tips for Mums, which will help parents share tips on how they get their tots to enjoy fresh produce.

Whilst families are largely aware of the importance of good diets and plenty of physical activity, the Healthy Living Initiative will provide parents with the tools and support they need to tackle signs of obesity in their children. The scheme will be rolled out throughout 2007 and into 2008 by the government and its partners in the public, retail and food manufacturing sectors.

“We know young families are aware of 5 A DAY but are not necessarily fulfilling it,” said Flint. “Top Tips for Mums and the other initiatives we roll out will help encourage families to improve diet and increase physical activity. The Healthy Living Initiative is about providing support when needed, in a way that people will respond to.”