A decision on a sugar tax has been delayed until the summer after the UK government postponed publishing its obesity strategy report.

The Department of Health is understood to be delaying publication of the Children's Obesity Strategyreport to make sure they get it right.

The report was expected to be published in February but Government departments were reportedly in disagreement over key areas.

Ministers are debating whether to include giving power to local authorities to stop fast food restaurants from opening, and whether to create a watchdog to monitor portion sizes and the amount of sugar in fizzy drinks.

There have been reports that a controversial sugar tax, which would increase the price of unhealthy products, would be dropped. But a spokesperson from the Department of Health said that this was not the case.

'We are now confirming that the childhood obesity strategy will be published in summer,' the spokesperson said.

'The strategy will be a key step forward in helping our children live healthier lives, but there is still work to be done to get it right.'