The government has today announced an enforcement programme to crack down on illegal pesticide residues in winter lettuce during the 2003-04 season.
Defra minister Alun Michael has voiced the concerns of the department that residues continue to be found in home-grown and imported lettuce, despite previous action taken to address the problem.
Enforcement programmes involving sampling on grower's premises have been conducted over the last nine winter seasons (1994-95 ñ 2002-03). However, whilst the overall results for 2002-03 indicated some improvement in illegal use, surveillance shows that some Maximum Residue Limits are still being exceeded.
The Pesticide Residues Committee's 2002 annual report revealed that of over 4,000 food samples analysed only one per cent contained illegal residues, and that none represented a danger to public health and safety.
But lettuce has been singled out as a persistent offender and Michael said: “I recognise consumers need to be reassured that produce does not contain undesirable or unnecessary residues and that good agricultural practice is followed. The evidence shows that the majority of farmers and growers operate well within the bounds of good agricultural practice.
"But although there has been some improvement, the number of undesirable residues found in winter lettuce is still high so we intend to conduct a further monitoring survey of winter lettuce this year, and we will continue to take firm action against growers or retailers where it is necessary to eradicate the problem. Where it is appropriate, legal action will be considered."
The programme will involve sampling winter lettuce at all points in the supply chain, from grower to retailer. Advisers from the Rural Development Service, who are authorised enforcement officers under the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, will take samples and make follow up enquiries where necessary.
Winter lettuce grown in the UK under glass is particularly prone to fungal attack during the cool damp winter months and there are only a limited number of products approved for disease control. To advise growers of good practice, the advisory leaflet published for the first time last year and amended in the light of last year's results will be revised.
A list of amendments to the advisory leaflet "Protected Lettuce Disease Control Avoiding Pesticide Residue Problems" published for the first time last year, will be sent to all known growers of winter lettuce. Additional copies of the leaflet will be available on the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) website and hard copies will also be available from Information Services branch at PSD.
Results of the winter lettuce monitoring programme for 2002/2003 are available on the PSD website at: