The government is undergoing yet another burying exercise, this time consigning transport targets to the dustbin after being advised that its 2000 ten-year transport plan is way off course.
The department of transport has removed pivotal words from its Aims and Objectives document. Congestion was supposed to be "below 2000 levels by 2010", now it is simply aimed to reduce it.
Ministers have been told they have "overpromised and underdelivered" by a government commission report, with commission chairman David Begg saying little or no progress has been made towards its most important targets.
Transport secretary Alistair Darling has spun the reports findings to water down government pledges. He has focused on predictions that congestion would have risen to 32 per cent worse by 2010 without measures in the government's £180 billion transport plan. Measures, he said, will drop this increase to 20 per cent.