Good season for asparagus

Organisers of the 2007 asparagus promotional campaign have reported strong results in terms of market penetration, with subsequent sales figures also up on against last year.

This year’s UK aspraragus season ran from April 24 to June 21. TNS data for the 12 weeks to June 17 showed that there was a 16 percent increase in the number of consumers buying asparagus, with an average trip spend of £2.02 (three percent up on last year). The frequency of purchasing was static at 2.4.

Crucially, the market value of asparagus has increased year on year by a sizeable 19 percent, with market volume rising 24 percent. The vast majority of supply was UK produce.

However this does not appear to have led to increases in returns to the grower. Asparagus Growers Association chairman Victor Aveling described the season as being ‘as profitable as last year’, with some prices down because of promotions in supermarkets.

It was felt that while there is a general trend towards getting asparagus to market quicker, there is equally not a great desire to do so. It was also considered unrealistic that the season could be extended dramatically, and certainly not at the end of the season.

One major issue facing asparagus growers - which virtually all their compatriots in other sectors will relate to - is the shortage of seasonal labour. “We are completely and utterly reliant upon government policy,” lamented Aveling.

The asparagus PR campaign took the shape of a wide-reaching consumer approach via national and regional media, focussed on getting asparagus beyond merely the cookery pages and onto the news pages. Campaign manager Pam Lloyd reported that in five years the campaign has reached £170m readers and over 200m radio and TV listeners and viewers.

This year’s theme was ‘al fresco’, with major successes including coverage on Chris Evans and Steve Wright’s radio shows, as well as an upcoming TV series called ‘Incredible Britain’ with Robbie Coltrane. Events such as the British Aspragus Festival underlined the work done via the media.

Web traffic for the campaign website was also up 14 percent in 2007. The overall campaign budget was £40,000, plus a further £5 to redesign the website. It is estimated that the total advertising value achieved was in the region of £800,000.
