Agronomists at the regulatory council for speciality bagged grapes from Vinalopó are forecasting a “good” harvest for the fruit.
A spokesperson said: “Thanks to ample rainfall recorded in the last few months of the growing season in the Vinalopó Mitjá area, the harvest looks good in terms of quality and quantity.”
The bagging process started last week and will carry on for a month. Some 10,000 workers are required to place the paper-bag covers on more than 250 million bunches of fruit.
According to the regulatory council, which certifies the denomination of origin of the product, the bags are a basic requirement in order for the fruit to reach full maturity. The bags also serve as protection against external factors. “Only the best bunches are covered in order to ensure the unique flavour, colour and skin texture of the grapes,” added the spokesperson.
Two varieties are in production: Ideal, which is characterised by large bunches and berries of a distinctive yellowish cover with a Muscat flavour; and Aledo, which is a later variety and has paler berries and a sweeter, more neutral flavour than Ideal.
The harvest is scheduled to be in line with a normal start date in September, with picking of Ideal. Availability of this variety stretches through the autumn, before Aledo comes on stream in time for the Christmas market.