UK approval of a new glyphosate product from Rotam marks the first step towards introduction of a new clean label glyphosate formulation for broad-spectrum weed control.
The global crop protection firm’s new product, Silvio, provides UK growers with an alternative high-quality glyphosate product this summer, with the most exciting new developments yet to come. “There is ground-breaking technology now emerging from Rotam’s research and development programme,” says Trevor Smith, Rotam’s sales and marketing manager for the UK and Northern Europe.
“Rotam is planning to introduce a novel glyphosate formulation system to growers in the next few years,” he reveals. “Importantly, the new technology will bring a clean, non-irritancy label, as well as delivering improved rainfastness and advanced speed of uptake by target weeds.”
The introduction of Silvio this season is well timed for stale seedbed preparation. “In line with all our crop protection products, it has been independently researched, developed and manufactured in our own production facilities,” said Smith.
“Rotam sees glyphosate as a core active in the generic product range, both now and for the future. Our continued focus is on innovation and adding value, and we are looking forward to bringing our advanced new glyphosate formulation to the UK market soon.”