PMA IS stepping up its activity on the global stage.
Bryan Silberman, PMA president, said: “PMA’s volunteer leadership boards are comprised of international industry leaders who are instrumental in identifying multiple ways to support members through information, products, and services that are relevant.
“PMA’s boards include leaders from South Africa, Canada, Australia, and Mexico. Two additional non-US retailer members are expected to join the retail board in October, bringing with them very valuable perspectives on produce retailing from around the world.”
One of the association’s well-established leadership groups, the PMA International Council, is comprised of volunteers with extensive experience in international trade. Two months ago, it met in Shanghai, China, to focus on China’s current and future role as a significant exporter and importer of fruits and vegetables.
According to PMA chair, Janet Erickson, executive vice president of purchasing and quality assurance for Del Taco, Inc: “Industry members from 10 countries were represented in our delegation and without exception we each came away with tremendous insights on China’s powerful impact as an exporter and importer as well as produce trends in the many markets we represent.”
Their first-hand experiences in China and the findings from the collaboration are being incorporated into a white paper that PMA will be publishing this summer. The Council also provided considerable feedback to the PMA board on ways to enhance PMA’s value globally.
PMA’s Nancy Tucker, vice president, global development, said: “Our already strong commitment to global business development is growing. PMA serves 2,100 companies across the global produce and floral supply chain in more than 45 countries, including Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and North America. This past year, PMA added two representatives located in Australia and Mexico to better communicate and understand the needs of our members in those areas.
“Increasingly, our communications are bi-lingual and many of our products and information will soon be available in both English and Spanish.”
PMA’s global educational outreach is also being extended through greater participation by its volunteer leaders. A seminar focusing on industry trends in the retail and foodservice sectors will be held on June 1, in Sydney, Australia. It will feature Erickson and PMA executive committee chair, Steve Junqueiro, vice president of operations, Save Mart Supermarkets.