The first Global Banana Congress will take place in in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on April 25-27.

The programme includes Chiquita's banana chief Bob Kistinger who will talk about the company's innovations to add value to bananas at point-of-sale, Jelger de Vriend of Ahold, who will explain how one of Europe's largest food retailers is securing higher banana sales in its stores and Assaf Schachnai of StePac who will talk about significant developments in banana packaging that are helping to deliver quality bananas to end-consumers.

More information on these and other speakers including representatives from Uniban, Corbana, Augura, are also available at

The rest of the programme covers a wide range of industry topics, such as changes in supply and demand in major world markets, the development of new export destinations, as well as the segmentation of the market into new areas such as Fairtrade and organics.

Delegates will have the chance to visit Hacienda Cañas a banana production site close to Guayaquil.