The historic Marheineke Markthalle was transformed

The historic Marheineke Markthalle was transformed

The association of German Wholesale Markets (GFI) took over Berlin’s impressive Marheineke Markthalle to host more than 400 representatives from the fresh produce industry last week.

Members of parliament for the SPD and CDU were among the guests of honour at the city’s oldest market hall as it was transformed into a comedy stage with TV cabaret star Gabi Decker proving a very special guest.

The caterers and traders in Marheineke Markthalle served exclusive delicacies to the guests to give a flavour of the everyday food available there.

Uwe Kluge, chairman of the GFI board, was delighted at the huge response: “The film industry has its own event, the Berlinale. And now the who’s who of the fresh food trade is gathered here. This is a newer, fresher sign of appreciation for life’s true stars: fruit and vegetables.”

The GFI was founded in 2000 and represents the interests of Germany’s 17 major wholesale markets. GFI is the central point of contact for national and international growers seeking to market their produce through quality, independent food retail channels.