Geordies make grand cash donation

Brian Moon, former chairman of the North East Fruit and Vegetable Market on Tyneside, and Tommy Young, a retired retailer from the area, have raised £1,000 for local hospices through the sale of DVDs to mark 40 years of trading in Gateshead, and also what went before in Newcastle. Moon, Young and their wives raised £910 from sales, which was rounded up to £1,000 by the market.

Pictured handing over the cheques for £500 each to Willowburn Hospice in County Durham and St Oswald’s Hospice in Northumberland are (left to right): Brian Moon, Margaret Moon, Jenny Evans (St Oswald’s Hospice), Eamonn Quigley (chair of the market), Malcolm Venus (market manager), Angela Lewis (Willowburn Hospice), Joy Young and Tommy Young.
