Exports of flowers and strawberries from the Gaza region to Europe are to resume without interruptions, according to an understanding between the Israeli minister of agriculture Shalom Simhon and his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abash.

The approval was given after the Palestinian Growers’ Association and the Israeli export companies submitted a plea to the High Court of Justice requesting the permit to resume sendings.

Exports of flowers and strawberries from Israel to Europe amount to NIS 100 million (£12.6m), and the bulk of the strawberries and carnation flowers are supplied by growers from the Gaza region.

Flower exports started many years ago and is carried out through an agricultural co-operation among Israeli, Palestinian and European farmers, especially Dutch farmers. Sendings are mostly routed to the Dutch flower auction.

A spokesperson for the ministry of agriculture said the decision to resume exports was reached following a meeting between the Israeli minister of defense Ehud Barak and the Palestinian prime minister Abu Mazen, and in meetings of the Israeli and Palestinian ministers of agriculture.
