Chief executive Jan Lloyd

CGMA chair Brenda Dean

CGMA chair Brenda Dean

The formation of a new food advisory board at New Covent Garden Market was announced this week.

The Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) revealed that a 10-strong Food Advisory Panel had been created at its annual reception on Wednesday.

The board, which includes Sir Don Curry, Lord Haskins, food writer Prue Leith and cheif executive of the Olympic Delibery Authority David Higgins, will aim to keep the market up to date with developments in the food industry, as the CGMA continues to move forward with the market’s redevelopment.

The number of panel members will increase as the initiative gets underway.

Jan Lloyd, CGMA chief executive, said the redevelopment process is gaining momentum, and that the CGMA is in talks with a future development partner from the private sector. “We are working towards a stronger, more diverse market that is financially self-sustainable,” she said. “We are looking at our exact requirements, including finance, as well as the design and use of the site. To be successful, the design of the market will need to focus on the operation requirements of the tenants and users. The market we build in the future has got to be able to adapt in ways that have been possible in the current infrastructure.”

The redevelopment of the market will work towards the delivery of a composite site and, Lloyd added, create an “exceptional trading environment” for tenants.

CGMA chair Baroness Brenda Dean, said: “My view and the view of the board, unanimously, is that we are now at the point where we have never had a better opportunity to bring this market the recognition it deserves. Our board is completely committed. We are not just another piece of real estate in London - and not just any old market.”
