


Fyffes wholesale branch in Liverpool has acquired fellow market company Woodsco Produce. The Woodsco business will be fully incorporated into the Fyffes fold on November 1 and creates a £10-million plus veg and salads division.

General manager of Fyffes Wholesale England, Steve Webster, said: “Fyffes has an established vegetable and salad business in Liverpool. Woodsco has a substantial onion business and also adds additional experience in distribution, catering supply and direct retail delivery.

“We are incorporating the business; lock, stock and barrel,” he said. “All of the staff are moving over. We are looking to replicate the service Woodsco gives to its customers to our existing customer base and build a veg and salads business with a turnover in excess of £10m.”

Woodsco owner Lenny Rimmer sold the business to Fyffes, which will take on additional units in the market.

The departure of Woodsco from the market's D block is another step towards the condensing of the market into two blocks.