Paice: looking towards the future of farming

Paice: looking towards the future of farming

The government is launching a drive to get more fresh talent into horticulture and agriculture.

The Future of Farming Group will look at how to break down barriers preventing talented, entrepreneurial young people from making careers in growing and farming.

Fewer young people are going into agriculture, while other related industries such as manufacturing are struggling to fill high-skilled posts in engineering and science.

Food and farming minister Jim Paice unveiled the initiative at a National Federation of Young Farmers event at Leeds Castle last week. He said: “The future of farming is important - and it needs to be addressed right across the sector. As the Green Food Project has demonstrated, this industry offers an exciting and important career if we are to continue to feed ourselves sustainably.

“A career in farming isn’t only an option to people who come from farming families. British farming is highly skilled and if it is to maintain its high standards, we need to ensure that everyone who wants to go into the industry has the right skills, knowledge, and support to take on this challenge.”

The Future of Farming Group will be chaired by David Fursdon, who chairs the South West Rural & Farming Network and is a former president of the Country Land & Business Association.

Fursdon said: “The challenge of producing more food in this country in a sustainable, profitable and affordable way is huge. The farming industry will need all its skill and expertise to do so. Undoubtedly this will mean attracting new blood … as skilled workers, managers, tenants and owners, and adopting the best methods and business structures. This group will build on the excellent work which is already being carried out within the farming industry and also stimulate some news ideas as well.”

The recently published Green Food Project identified that if the UK is to have a successful, innovative and ambitious farming sector going forward, it needs to ensure that there are suitable numbers of people of the right calibre entering the food industry. This includes entrants from disciplines such as science, research, technology, advisory services and business management.